Designer And Brand

Designer and Brand Logos
Discover Designer And Brand For Genuine Leather Wear. We Are Talking Real Leather! Many Great Designers and Brands Come From Italy, France, And New York.  But There Are Lesser Known Designers Who Are Inspiring And Innovative And Use Real Leather.  1) Check Out The List, 2) Read Their Bios And 3) Shop Their Products! Make Some Interesting Discoveries!

List Of Designer And Brand

Our list of designers and brands includes only those who use Real Leather. No brands using fake leather or synthetic materials are included in the list.  So many new leather terms keep appearing. The terminology sounds so catchy and real, but upon further investigation, it is only man made to look like leather. We are connoisseurs of real leather. We like the feel, the look and long lasting beauty and serviceability of real leather. We present only real genuine leather.

Check Our List Of Designers and Brands

Designer And Brand Bio

Reviewing the designer and brand bios reveals two very interesting pieces of information: 1) Designer and Brand Relationship and 2) Designer Role.

Designer and Brand Relationship

Some designers style only for themselves and name their brand accordingly. Other designers style for multiple brands and some brands use multiple designers. Read the bios to discover which designers own their own brand, which designers style for multiple brands and which brands have multiple designers.

Designer Role

During our study of the various designers and brands we have discovered some very interesting facts. These facts have increased our appreciation of the fore thought and knowledge required to design the leather we proudly wear and use. We share our findings with you so that you too many have an increased appreciation of the effort and passion a designer puts forth during the design of leather fashion. Real leather has lasting beauty and quality that lasts a lifetime. Understanding the passion with which designers style leather increases its value for longer than a lifetime.

Read Designer Brand Bios

Shop Leather Products By Designer And Brand

Each of us has our favorite designer and brand. Many of us have multiple favorites; therefore we categorize the leather products by designer and brand as well as by grade of leather and product category.

Our website it not designer and brand limited. Find a large selection of designers and brands.

Shop Your Favorite Designers And Brands

Enjoy Your Real Genuine Leather Shopping